Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Punjabi film from 1940

Dulla Bhatti

Released date in Lahore: Friday, 26 April 1940

Film Company: Kamla Movietone Ltd, Lahore

Released date: 1940-04-26

Language: Punjabi

Made in Lahore

Genre: Folk story

Status: Super hit

Lahore cinema: Crown cinema

Debut: Ragni
Film director

The Punjabi film Dulla Bhatti (1940) was directed by Roop K. Shorey.

The other name of this film was "Annhi Jawani", which was almost three hours long film with 15 reels..

Film credits of

Dulla Bhatti

(Punjabi - 1940)
ActorsRagni, M.D. Kanwar, Satish Batra, Majnu, Zahoor Shah, Thakur Himmat Singh, Baldev Mehta, Mala, Om Prakash, Madan Piddi, Bany Zarina, Jamoora, Baby Rani, Zubeida, Nafees Begum, Prem, Mehmood Khan, Jan Ganja, Rashida BegumRaj
DirectorRoop K. Shorey
Producer'sSeth Sukhlal Karnani, Roy Bahadur Chandanmal Indar Kumar
WriterAziz Kashmiri
Music directorPandit Govind Ram
Lyricists/poetsAziz Kashmiri, F.D. Sharf
SingersRasheeda Begum, Satish
CinematogrpahyHarcharn Singh Kwatra

Film music of

Dulla Bhatti

(Punjabi - 1940)

Aakhay Na Lagdi Annhi Jawani..

Singer(s): ?
Music: Pandit Gobind Ram
Poet: Aziz Kashmiri
Actor(s): ?

Bol Bol Ni Gulelay Meray Chann Diye..

Singer(s): Rasheed Begum
Music: Pandit Gobind Ram
Poet: Aziz Kashmiri
Actor(s): ?

Es Rog Da Naa A Ki Arriyo, Geya Andar-o-Andray Pi Arriyo..

Singer(s): Rasheed Begum
Music: Pandit Gobind Ram
Poet: Aziz Kashmiri
Actor(s): ?

Rabb Di Janab Wichhun Ekho Dil Mangda..

Singer(s): ?
Music: Pandit Gobind Ram
Poet: Aziz Kashmiri
Actor(s): ?


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