Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Playback singer

Surayya Hyederabadi

She was known for a single Urdu film hit song
Surayya Hyederabadi - Playback singer - She was known for a single Urdu film hit song
Facts on Surayya Hyederabadi

Real name
First film Lori (Urdu - 1966)
Active career
Life - 16-11-1989
Born at
Profession Folk singer

Surayya Hyederabadi sang a lori (lullaby) for Talat Siddiqi in film Lori (1966)..

Same song was sung by Madam Noorjahan, but unknown Surayya's song was more popular. She was basically a folk singer from Sindh and died on November 16, 1989.

Sher Dil
Sher Dil

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