Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Hindi/Urdu film from 1931

Alam Ara

Released date in Lahore: Tuesday, 14 April, 1931

Film Company: Imperial Film Co.

Released date: 14-03-1931

Language: Hindi/Urdu

Made in Bombay

Genre: Muslim Historical film

Status: Super hit

Lahore cinema: Regent cinema

The Hindi/Urdu film Alam Ara (1931) was directed by Ardeshir Irani.

The first talkie film in the sub-continent was released on March 14, 1931 at Bombay's Majestic cinema hall. It had seven songs and was 10,500 ft. long and ran for seven weeks. It was a costume drama and romantic film with the title role of Zubaida.

This film is no longer available in its original format as the fire at National Film Archive of India, Pune, in 2003, destroyed the last surviving prints of this classic film.

The Story:

A period fantasy that told of the aging king of Kamarpur and his two rival queens - No-Bahar and Dil-Bahar, and their rivalry when a Faqeer predicts that No-bahar will bear the king's heir. Dil-Bahar unsuccessfully tries to seduce the army chief Adil (Vithal) and vengefully destroys his family, leaving his daughter Alam Ara (Zubaida) to be raised by nomads. Eventually, Alam Ara's nomad friends invade the palace, expose Dil-Bahar's schemes, release Adil from the dungeon and she marries the prince of the realm.

Film credits of

Alam Ara

(Hindi/Urdu - 1931)
ActorsZubaida, Master Vitthal, J. Sushila, Jillo Bai, Prithviraj Kapoor, Wazir Mohammed Khan, Bibbo
DirectorArdeshir Irani
Producer'sArdeshir Irani
WriterJoseph David
Music directorFeroz Shah, M. Mistri, B. Irani
Lyricists/poetsJoseph David (Urdu: Munshi Zaheer)
SingersZubaida, Wazir Mohammad Khan
CinematogrpahyAdi M. Irani, Wilford Deming

Film music of

Alam Ara

(Hindi/Urdu - 1931)

Badla Dilaye Ya-Rabb, Tu Sitamgaron Say....

Singer(s): Zubaida
Music: ?
Poet: ?

Day Day Khuda Kay Naam Par Baba....

Singer(s): Wazir Mohammad Khan
Music: ?
Poet: ?

Newspaper ads of film Alam Ara (1931)

Newspaper ads of film Alam Ara (1931)


Maha Maya
Maha Maya
Hatim Tai
Hatim Tai

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