Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Supporting actress

Najma Mehboob

She was a famous supporting actress!
Najma Mehboob - Supporting actress - She was a famous supporting actress!
Facts on Najma Mehboob
Real name
First film Geo Dhola (Punjabi - 1969)
Active career1969-83
Life - 06-12-1983
Born at Rawalpindi
Language Punjabi
Profession Acting
Relations Mohammad Nisar Hussain (husband)

Najma Mehboob was seen in many films as supporting actress. Her first film was Khalish (1972) and the last Nazuk Ristay (1987). She died during shooting of a film and with an accident with Rail on December 6, 1983.

Najma Mehboob was born in 1949 in Rawalpindi and was married to Mohammad Nisar Hassan, a famous producer from Pakistan Television Lahore Centre.

ماں کے کرداروں میں نظر آنے والی نجمہ محبوب ستر کے عشرہ کی مقبول ترین اداکارہ تھی۔ جیو ڈھولا (1969) پہلی فلم تھی۔ فلم نوکر ووہٹی دا (1974) میں منورظریف اور فلم قدرت (1983) میں علی اعجاز کی ماں کو کون بھلا سکتا ہے۔ نجمہ محبوب معروف ٹی وی پروڈیوسر محمدحسین نثار کی بیوی تھیں اور ایک فلم کی شوٹنگ کے دوران ایک ٹرین حادثے میں جان بحق ہو گئی تھیں۔


241 فنکاروں پر معلوماتی مضامین

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