The Hindi/Urdu film Duhai (1943) was directed by V.M. Viyas.
Vyas' romantic thriller pivots mainly around the unusual co-presence of the singing stars Aptay and Noorjahan. Rural beauty Neela (Aptay) loves the urbane Rajendra (Kumar) and they decide to get married against the wishes of her father Jugal Babu (Ansari). Jugal, it turns out, knows the family secret: Rajendra's father had years ago tried to seduce Neela's mother and had been killed by Neela's brother Basant (Butt Kaser), who has been in hiding ever since. The plot gets more complicated when the singer and dancer Urvashi (Noorjahan) falls for Rajendra and, one evening in a nightclub, unable to perform in front of him, is replaced on stage by Neela. The dramatic highlight is when Jugal Babu, telling Neela the terrible past history of her brother, gets her to promise never to reveal the truth to her husband.
(Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema - Ashish Rajadhyaksha & Paul Willemen - New Revised Edition 1999)