Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Film Music director

Tufail Farooqi

He was a senior music director in Pakistan..
Tufail Farooqi - Film Music director - He was a senior music director in Pakistan..
Facts on Tufail Farooqi
Real name Tufail Farooqi
First film Dekho Ji (Hindi/Urdu - 1947)
First film Barkha (Urdu - 1953)
Active career
Life 1916 - 25-03-1988
Born at Lahore
Language Punjabi
Profession Music

He started his career before partition from All India Radio Lahore and his first released film was Lahore made Hindi/Urdu film Dekho Jee in 1947.

After the partition he composed music for Urdu film Barkha in 1953 and continued his work until the end of the 1980's. He composedmusic in both Urdu and Punjabi films but gained success only in Punjabi films. Punjabi songs like:

  • Rabba Eiday Nalun Mout Suhali.. by Madam Noojahan in film Pagri Sanbhal Jatta (1968)
  • Jehray Torhday Nay Dil Barbad Hongay.. by Masood Rana and
  • Chitti Ghori tay Kathi Tillaydar Ni Sayyo.. by Madam Noojahan in film Badla (1968)

were some mega hit songs by Tufail Farooqi. He composed the first ever Punjabi song for Ahmad Rushdi in film Chodhary in 1962. Rangeela's first film song was also composed by Tufail Farooqi in film Banki Naar (1966).

In Akmal's last film Bahadur Kissan in 1970, he composed a course song:

  • Mera Sohna Des Kissana da, Shahzoran da Pehlwana da..

which was a copy of an Indian film song from film Neya Dor "Yeh desh hay veer jawano ka..." but due to Masood Rana's matching singing ability with Mohammad Rafi, this song became extremely popular and was almost a slogan for farmers in Punjab's ruler areas and was frequently played on Radio Pakistan Lahore in the 60s/70s.

Tufail Farooqi was married to famous singer from the 1950's Pappu Pukhraj and died on March 25, 1988.


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"پاک میگزین" کا آغاز 1999ء میں ہوا جس کا بنیادی مقصد پاکستان کے بارے میں اہم معلومات اور تاریخی حقائق کو آن لائن محفوظ کرنا ہے۔

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