Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Folk musician

Khamiso Khan

Famous Alghoza-nawaz artist from Sindh died on March 8, 1983.
Khamiso Khan - Folk musician - Famous Alghoza-nawaz artist from Sindh died on March 8, 1983.
Facts on Khamiso Khan

Real name
Active career
Life - 08-03-1983
Born at Tando Mohammad Khah, Hyderabad, Sindh
Language Sindhi

Khamiso Khan learnt his art from Ustad Syed Ahmad Shah. The algoza is generally used as a folk instrument in Punjab and Sindh provinces. It is a pair of wooden flutes. The artist plays it by using three fingers on each side. Sound is generated by breathing into it rapidly. The quick recapturing of breath on each beat creates a bouncing, swing rhythm.

Khamiso Khan died on March 8, 1983.

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