Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Film Heroine

Surayya Khan

She was a famous Pasto actress
Surayya Khan - Film Heroine - She was a famous Pasto actress
Facts on Surayya Khan
Real name
First film Darra Khayber (Pashto - 1971)
Active career
Life -
Born at
Profession Acting
Surraya Khan was born in Jehangir Pura, Peshawar in 1958. Her real name is Sayyida Aasiya Bibi. She has a sister and three brothers. Her father Major Raza Hussain Shah died in the 1971 war between India and Pakistan. Surraya Khan has one son [Shakeel Hussain] who has a B.Sc degree from Punjab University. Surraya Khan entry into the Pukhtu film industry was accidental. It was in 1971 when she was visiting a film studio in Lahore along with her high school class fellows that she got an offer from pukhtu film Director Mumtaz Ali Khan to act in pashto film Dara Khyber. Mumtaz Ali Khan communicated the offer through Surraya Khan's high school principal who was leading the high school tour that day to the studio. After permission from her family members, she accepted the role, and thus started a film career that has continued till this day. So far, Surraya Khan has played various roles, mainly as heroine, in about 150 pashto movies, and the march to fullfilment continues. In addition to acting, Surraya Khan has produced many movies, including [ZAR TAJA] that became very popular because of its great story and songs. Her favorite directors include Mumtaz Ali Khan, Saeed -Un-Naskh Saeedi, and Aziz Tabassum. Her favorite singers are Khyal Muhammad and Gulnar Begum. Because she belongs to a religious Shia family, early on she had decided to avoid objectionable film roles. Source of Information: Conversation with AnwarGul.


Ek Roz
Ek Roz


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"پاک میگزین" کا آغاز 1999ء میں ہوا جس کا بنیادی مقصد پاکستان کے بارے میں اہم معلومات اور تاریخی حقائق کو آن لائن محفوظ کرنا ہے۔

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