Pakistn Film Magazine in Urdu/Punjabi

Novel writer

Naseem Hijazi

Naseem Hijazi was a legendry novel writer in Pakistan
Naseem Hijazi - Novel writer - Naseem Hijazi was a legendry novel writer in Pakistan
Facts on Naseem Hijazi

Real name Sharif Hussain
Active career(1943-96)
Life - 01-03-1996
Born at Gurdaspur, Indian Punjab
Language Punjabi
Profession Writting

He was an Islamic-novel-writer who wrote his first novel Shoodar in 1943.

» Read Naseem Hijai's novels here

Director Masood Parvez film Khak-o-Khoon in 1979 was based on Naseem Hijazi's famous novel Khak aur Khoon. It was a super flop film which was financed by NEFDEK and many TV artists were on screen.

Naseem Hijazi died on March 1st, 1996.

» Read more on Naseem Hijazi on Wikipedia


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