Momorable film scenes
Pakistan Film Magazine is celebrating 60 years of Pakistani films this year (1948-2008).
Here are some of main topics:

» Memorable films/scenes
» Memorable film songs
» The Legends
» Remembering's/Obituaries
» Watch complete movies online
» Pakistan Film Magazine on
» Celebrating the 60 years of Pakistani films

Watch the complete film Hamrahi (1966)
    A memorable classic musical film without any typical romantic song, Hamrahi-scene, -dance or any fight scene. Released on May 6, 1966 and was a golden jubilee hit film on box office, with many famous film actors as guest stars.
    This film also belongs to the legend singer Masood Rana, who sang seven amazing songs and became the best ever film singer in Pakistani Urdu and Punjabi films.

    Related links
    » film Hamrahi from PakistanFilmHistory

    » Masood Rana

Credit: PakMovies

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Masood Rana Hamrahi Hamrahi Hamrahi Hamrahi Raja Hafeez Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Masood Rana Irene Perveen Hamrahi Hamrahi Muzaffar Warsi Tasadduq Hussain Hinna Santosh Kumar Darpan Ejaz Habib Yousuf Khan Sawan Mazhar Shah Rangeela A Shah Shikarpuri Zulfi M. ISmael Gul Zaman Saqi Asad Bukhari Hameed Wain Rangoon Wala Salam Mumtaz Iqbal Kashmiri S. Suleman S. Suleman Hamrahi Masood Rana Dia aur Toofan Nizam Ahmad Rahi Zeba Rani Deeba Khalid Haidar Haidar Javed Khalid